Umar Ahmad

From WordPress to Octopress

This post is about choosing Octopress over WordPress hosted blog, it does not talk about WordPress as a framework.

It has been a very few days I started this blog. Now I feel a bit of a weird pride in announcing that this may be the last post on the wordpress, it’s now hosted on github - , and powered by Octopress.

Why I chose WordPress?

When I first thought about blogging, the first thing that came to my mind was choosing the right framework for it. Three of them came to my mind, namely Drupal, Wordpress and Octopress. Since I didn’t have any reliable hosting at that time and had previous experience with WordPress, I decided to go with blog hosted on

The problems

What I didn’t realize at that time was that installing and using wordpress, on an owned server, was a lot different that hosting a blog on

The main problem is that I have no desire to empty my pockets on a blog, but still demand full control over it.

WordPress sets up a free blog with a theme, but I had to pay even for the slightest tweak. So most of my problems which weren’t expected initially were:

Switching to Octopress

Disappointed by WordPress, hosting my blog on Github or Heroku with Octopress seemed to be the only option. Since I keep almost all my projects on github, I chose the same for the blog. There were some initial problems while setting up the blog. But issue queue helped me in solving them.



You can take a look at performance aspect of Octopress on Praveen’s Blog.


Choosing a framework for a Blog is a matter of choice. As far as I am concerned I’m satisfied with the results Octopress is giving me. I might remind you that this post was on my experience in blogging at WordPress and on Octopress.