Umar Ahmad

Improve ranking of files in projectile

I've been using projectile, and more recently counsel-projectile, to manage my project files and it has been a life saver. projectile-find-file is probably among my most used commands.

Despite my fondness for this package, a thing that has bothered me is the default sorting of the files while searching. As the project becomes larger and the files become sparse, some extra typing needs to be done to filter down to the intended file.

This post explores an improvement which should make the experience of searching for files better by providing a more relevant list of files.

Why not use counsel-fzf?

There are packages that integrate external searching tools such as counsel-fzf. They usually provide better ranking than the out of the box experience from projectile. These can work asynchronously and are also faster than any native emacs implementation.

Therefore, counsel-fzf alone should be sufficient for most people unhappy with the default search ranking in projectile.

That being said, I've a few reasons for not using fzf

fzf is not specifically built to search files

Even though, arguably, fzf is mostly used to filter a large list of files, it is not specifically built for it. It will work the same way when provided with any arbitrary list.

This feature of fzf limits the optimizations that could have been made for the specific problem of searching filenames.

fzf lacks context

fzf, like any other external tool, lacks the context from inside Emacs. It isn't aware of the recent files or the buffers that are open.

Integrating these might be possible but certainly not easy.

fzf has fuzzy search

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think fuzzy searching is superior to it's alternatives.

Fuzzy search would seem much faster than it's alternatives in filtering down the lists in theory. But, at least for me, in practice I've always been able to filter more quickly and reliably when using the default ivy filtering.

Fuzzy search works roughly by adding .* after every character whereas the ivy works by substituting the space with .*

So searching for search term would expand to s.*e.*a.*… for a generic fuzzy searching algorithm but search.*term for ivy.

Fuzzy searching algorithms usually do have a scoring system which makes them do their magic but nonetheless, predicting this magic is hard. Many a times I see no correlation between the input and the results without really trying to find it.

Also, as is obvious from the regex, fuzzy search would return a super-set of what a normal ivy search would, so you're almost always dealing with more results.

Even when a fuzzy searching system is built specifically to search files and has the context, it might not work as intended. Issue queue of VSCode, for example, has multiple examples of it failing for users(such as these).

Adding a ranking system

Considering ivy already provides a good searching framework, what we need is a good ranking system.

A generic search ranking system works by giving a score to each search element which can then be used to sort the results.

A basic scoring system could give scores on these factors

Static factors

These factors are such that they are not affected by the search term but can be derived from the file.

  • Buffer files: If a file in the project is currently open there’s a high chance that I’m searching for this file. The older the buffer gets the less score boost it should get.
  • Recent files: If a file in a project has been recently visited that should contribute to increasing it’s score.
  • Length of file path: Considering a file with a longer path can afford more characters to get filtered, a file with shorter path should get a better score.

Dynamic factors

The scores due to these factors vary with the search term

  • File non-directory name match: If the non-directory name of the file exactly matches the search term then it gets a score boost. Eg. file.ext in path/of/file.ext
  • File basename match: If the basename of the file exactly matches the search term then it gets a score boost. Eg. file in path/of/file.ext
  • File prefix match: If the prefix of the file basename matches with the search term then the score is increased. Eg. fi in path/of/file.ext
  • File name loose match: If the file name loosely matches the search term then give it a higher score than when only directory name matches. Eg. ile in path/of/file.ext.

As you might have guessed, these are ordered here in decreasing order of their scores.

Considering the nature of the factors, only the best matching dynamic factor is chosen while choosing all the static factors while scoring. The reasoning for this is purely intuitive.


The following videos demo counsel-projectile-find-file, counsel-fzf and our newly written +projectile-find-file, based on the scoring model above.

This is the project tree that is used

├── a-somedirectory
│   ├── afile-suffix.txt
│   └── suffix.txt
├── suffix-directory
│   └── unrelated-file.txt
├── suffix-postfix.txt
└── suffix.txt

We’ll be searching for "suffix", and analyzing the results for each framework.


  • Default sorting seems alphabetic
  • Retains sorting when searching

    Click here to download or view the video in a full browser window


  • No apparent default sorting
  • File basenames exactly matching the search term are not pushed up.

    Click here to download or view the video in a full browser window


  • Default sorting considers recent files and buffers and falls back on alphabetic sorting
  • Searching for suffix brings the file base names exactly matching suffix to the top
  • File is ranked higher if already open as a buffer

    Click here to download or view the video in a full browser window


You can find the code here in my config. This is a permalink to the commit at the time of writing this. The latest version can be found on the master branch.


  • It starts by populating hashtables with project recent files and project buffer files with their base scores. Buffers get a linearly decreasing score on the basis of their "oldness".
  • Projectile is invoked and the files are ranked and sorted using the static factors. Length of the file is not considered at this time.
  • Once the user starts searching

    • The counsel--find-file-matcher is used to filter down the list
    • Both static and dynamic factors are applied to calculate the scores
    • The files are then sorted on the basis of scores they have

Few considerations

The code above depends on counsel-projectile, but it is not a hard requirement. I only add it to provide few extra actions on the files. Those actions can be removed to remove that dependency.

Most of the users should be well off with (setq projectile-completion-system 'ivy) anyway.

I’d just mention that even though this code has worked well for me on my projects and in my workflow, I haven’t tested it specifically outside of my usage. Also, considering that the code has evolved just before this post, I’d suggest the user be ready to tackle a few bugs in their usage.

Also note that the scores for each of the factor is completely intuitive and is not backed by data. Feel free to modify them. They should be easily modifiable by changing the variable defined on top of the linked file.

To completely replace counsel-projectile with this add this snippet:

(advice-add 'counsel-projectile-switch-project-action :override 'counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-find-file)
(advice-add 'counsel-projectile-find-file :override '+projectile-find-file)

To get file icons if you have all-the-icons-ivy installed, add this:

(eval-after-load 'all-the-icons-ivy
  (progn (add-to-list 'all-the-icons-ivy-file-commands '+projectile-find-file)

Future improvements

There are multiple improvements that I can think of already.

These haven’t bothered me enough to actually solve for them right now. I might work on them later and update the code in my config accordingly.

Asynchronous running

There’s a slight lag when listing a considerably large project files.

An implementation I can think of is using emacs-async to populate the file list in a separate buffer and running a timer to transfer the content to ivy.

I can think of few other similar hacks, each with caveats of their own. I’m not sure if there’s a way to achieve this in ivy natively.

Ranking exact subword match higher

Search terms matching subwords inside files should rank higher. An example of subword can be file in myFile / my-file / my_file etc.

Handling spaces in search query

All the dynamic factors for scoring are pretty much useless if the user adds space to their search query. Handling those to match subwords or directory names should improve the ranking further.

Adding prescient.el as a scoring factor

Prescient.el is an effective enhancement to all your completing-read frameworks by ranking them in descending order of their usage. It works by scoring the recently used elements higher than the elements that were chosen earlier. This score can be incorporated in the total score as a static factor, to get even better results.

Making it easier to add new scoring factors

The scoring factors are embedded in the code and there’s no easy way to add new ones. This is not an issue now considering the few factors we have currently, but this might have to be done to make this generic enough for other people to use it.


As I said earlier, this code has worked great for the few projects I had but hasn’t been tested extensively. Please treat it likewise.

This has only been possible because of the work of people like Bozhidar and Oleh. They both have had immense contribution to the emacs community. Please consider donating through the links on their respective websites, if you feel likewise and are able to.
